Monday, December 21, 2009

I Saw the Light

Dear Angela Shelton,

Thank you for teaching me how to step out of my little box and into this beautiful thing that I can't even find the words to describe!

"Finding Angela Shelton" - Day Seventeen...

Today's task is something a few of my Christian friends may have issues with. Before I go any further, let me assure you all that I'm not selling my soul to Satan, sliding down a slippery slope to Hell, denying my Christian faith, or anything of the sort (although if I were doing any of those things, it would ultimately be my problem and not yours - I'm just sayin')...

Today's task is to practice a "light-wrapping" technique:

"Picture a long band of light (golden or white) like a long band of gauze. Picture wrapping it around yourself snugly like you would wrap a wound."

I've been doing quite a bit of running during the recent holiday rush, but I've balanced it out with my fair share of sitting on my patootie once things have calmed down in the evenings. It's not like I haven't been relaxing at all. Trust me, I've been relaxing (maybe a little too much), but this "light-wrapping" thing is one of the most relaxing things I have done in the last few weeks.

Since the day I inadvertently started a facebook support group ("We Support Mackenzie Phillips' Decision to Speak Out Against Abuse") I have become convinced, through the validation and encouragement of others and through some dreams I've had, that I am now somehow walking in my ultimate "purpose" for this life. Anybody who knows me "in real life" knows that I am a Jesus-loving crazy lady... so it's only natural that I would turn this exercise into my own personal "God moment" by meditating on one of my favorite verses of Scripture from the New Testament while I imagined the light: And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. -Romans 8:28 (New Living Translation)

Focusing on that healing, wrapped-in-light feeling was really nice. But doing it while meditating on Scripture which reassures me that I cannot fail, allowing me to release any preconceived notions or expectations regarding this journey... well, that was downright beautiful!

Upon realizing what a great experience this was for me, I decided to try to find some information on meditation and its effects on the brain. I searched online and I came across a great little article from Psychology Today which discusses how neuroscientists have discovered that meditating shifts brain activity from one side to the other, and actually decreases the amount of activity in the areas where stress, mild depression, anxiety and fear are processed. Interesting, huh?

So, even if you're a little freaked out by the idea of meditation, light-wrapping techniques, or deep breathing exercises (I will definitely admit I was), do what I did and try to tailor the experience. Find your own personal comfort zone and see what happens. Make the choice to try something new if what you've been doing all along isn't working out for you. Remember, if the new stuff doesn't work for you, you don't ever have to do it again. Give it a shot. You might be surprised.

Whatever choices you must make today, remember that one of the best decisions you can make is to en"JOY" your day! Happy healing!


Janet Auty-Carlisle said...

Great story Meggs. I like that you suggested the light wrapping be tailored to each person. Sometimes people get stuck on the "how" of something and don't enjoy the "why" of the experience. Love and light to you my friend.
Living la vida fearless, Jan

Tracie Nall said...

I love your openness about taking a new technique and changing it to fit your life. what a great encouragement that as Christians we can still learn and grow from these techniques without freaking ourselves out! :)

Megan said...

Thanks so much, Jan! I love how Angela is always telling people not to get attached to an outcome... that just frees it all up to do whatever we want with a lot of things. This is one of those things. I think a lot of people do tend to be afraid of things that are new or different, and I want to encourage them to give the new things a chance. I've been stuck in my box of mediocrity long enough. Stepping out and trying new things has changed me DRAMATICALLY, and I'm sure it's for the best. I so appreciate your time and your friendship! Thank you for reading!

Megan said...

Tracie, thank you for your encouragement! I'm glad to have a Christian perspective on this entry. I know a lot of us get a little weirded out by things simply because of the way we are raised. Thanks so much for taking the time to check out the blog. =)

Lori R. Lopez said...

Nice perspective and useful information, Megan. My sons and I have been trying meditation when we find the time. I've wanted to for years but struggle with the part about not thinking. My brain refuses to cooperate. So I mainly just relax a few minutes thus far. It can't hurt. I'd sure like to be able to do that other-side-of-the-brain shift. Wish my gabby mind would shut up now and then!

I like that quote from Romans you used. :)

Megan said...

My brain refuses to cooperate too, Lori... that's why I loved this, because I was able to sort of imagine that the light was God's love wrapping its healing energy around me, and at the same time relax and remember that when I do my best for Him, even if I screw it up, I can't fail because He always works it out. It was like meditating but not meditating. Focusing but not focusing. I don't think I could have done this a month ago... It's very difficult to explain how relaxing it actually was. Maybe you could try it with a favorite quote or something. It's AWESOME!!! =) Thanks for your faithful friendship, Lori!

Janet Auty-Carlisle said...

That busy brain you speak of ladies is called Monkey Brain...don't get hung up on having to do this "right" it'll happen..celebrate the victory that you are at least making an effort. Peace to you.

Vivian said...

If Jesus said anything against visualization and meditation, I'm unaware of it.

Megan said...

Me too, Vivian... and as I recall, we're told to meditate on God's Word... but somehow a lot of Christians are scared to death of the idea. I'm very confident in my salvation and happy in my relationship with God, so I couldn't think of any reason not to try it. Thanks so much for your input! =)

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