This is what I had for breakfast. I'm celebrating today!
Today is a very special day. Today is the birthiversary (I can't decide if it's a birthday or an anniversary or both) of the support group known as "The Mack Group" -
We Support Mackenzie Phillips & ALL Survivors Speaking Out Against Abuse. If you're not familiar with the support group
click here to read a little blog about it. If you're already a member of the group, be sure to stop by today to see what's happening on the Wall and the Discussions. Some of us are having our own personal mini-parties to celebrate our journey together and may be posting thoughts and photos as we go. If you're interested in becoming a member of our support group you may
visit the link on Facebook and request to become a member. (There are some group guidelines, so be sure to read them carefully before joining.) In celebration of our birthiversary, I want to share with you my personal top ten list of things I've learned by being a part of the group:
10. Sharing my story of survival is empowering.
9. Resources for survivors are everywhere and sharing the great resources I've found is an encouraging way to help others find what they need to heal.
8. Moving on and letting go of the past is scary but I can do it.
7. I am not the only person in the world who's struggled with horrendous coping mechanisms.
6. I am definitely not alone.
5. Setbacks suck, but they don't suck nearly as bad when you have somebody cheering you on as you struggle to get back up again.
4. Blood may be thicker than water, but it's not thicker than the tears you've shed with your fellow survivors. I can choose my family.
3. Grace and forgiveness are beautiful things.
2. Thanksgiving is not a holiday, it's a state of mind.
1. I am loved.
Our Support Group's Logo
Are you already a part of our group? What have you learned in the last year? In the comments section of this blog, share your own top ten... or your own number one... or just your thoughts. How has "The Mack Group" changed you?
Blood may be thicker than water, but it's not thicker than the tears you've shed with your fellow survivors.<---So true!!
All of these things are awesome, but that one really stood out to me.
I love you and this group you have created and nurtured. It is precious to have a safe place to go and see that you are not alone, to receive support, to see that healing is possible.
Perfect! Happy Birthversary! That IS a mouthful to say! Being loved and feeling support is a good thing. You go girl!
I love the 'Happy Birthversary'. It's so original! I am thankful that I have spoken out and learned to deal with my pain. But I continue to have problems with many family members who hide away from me and not want to face the truth. Especially now, with my nieces and nephews growing up and having kids of their own. Some even tell me to leave it alone and in the past. But how can they protect their kids, if they don't know about the past of this family?
'Happy Birthversary' I Am So Thankful For This Group!! AS A Survivor My Greatest fear Was That My Daughter Would Go Through What I Went Through . She Did But Is Having A Way More Difficult Time Getting Through It. I Sometimes Think I Was Destined To go through What I Did To Make Me A Stronger Person & To Be Here For my Daughter Knowing What She Is going Through !!! Everyone Needs Someone Who Knows Were You Are Coming From & Be There No Matter What !!
Wow. God bless you and this group. I will definitely be looking into it. You have my complete admiration, sister. My favorite? "Thanksgiving is not a holiday, it's a state of mind." AMEN and AMEN and AMEN! All my love to you!
Becky from
Bless you Meggs. Honored to know you.
╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥
Congrats on being empowered by the breaking of your silence. Bravo!
Meggs - what a great blog entry - very inspirational!
i found you through the lovely tracie and am beyond happy to have found your words of strength and beauty...your honesty and grace helps me have the courage to continue to heal and hope one day i can be empowered by speaking out. thank you
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