Saturday, February 06, 2010

We're All In This Together (Blog-a-thon Post 3)

SURVIVORS: It is important for you to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

SUPPORTERS: You can help survivors feel connected by supporting organizations like the Angela Shelton Foundation.

Support during the healing process is what keeps many survivors alive. As I blog throughout the day, into the night, and into tomorrow morning, I will be sharing some stories with you. These stories are stories of real people who have been helped either directly or indirectly by the Angela Shelton Foundation. In these stories, I hope you will see that if you are a survivor, you are not alone... and if you are a supporter, I hope you will see that your involvement makes more of a difference than you can imagine. You're saving lives.

Stay tuned for stories of hope and healing...

Watch the live UStream broadcast of this blog-a-thon by clicking here.
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