Saturday, February 06, 2010

You Are Not Alone, Jan's Story (Blog-a-thon Post 7)

Dear Survivor,

Jan wants you to know you are not alone. Here's what she has to say:

I didn't know that things like this happened to other people because I did not share with other people. I kept my mouth quiet and held my secret close to my heart. I did that because I was told I'd cause a lot of trouble for a lot of people if I said anything. So, I shut up: I closed off my heart and stopped trusting people for a very long time.

For many years I held onto the truth that I was unlovable, I was not to be trusted, I was not to share with anybody, I was worthless. I was a victim and I chose to stay that way. I didn't know any better. It wasn't until many years later that I realized that sexual abuse was not just about me, there were many others. In my therapy and group counselling sessions I learned that I, sadly, was not alone in the horror.

Jan began working with a life coach... She began to thrive. Today, she is a life coach! Way to go, Jan! She says:

My goal, my dream, my purpose, yes my calling, is to empower [others] to know that there is so much more: more joy, more love, more happiness, more opportunity, more gratitude: and it's all right there for you. I truly believe that my own travels through my abuse journey were necessary so that I could, in turn, offer myself out to others who are still suffering.

Regarding being a member of our support group, Jan says:

This group has allowed me the experience of hearing how others are dealing, or not, with their own issues of abuse. This opening up of one's heart to those who will listen offers all of us a safe and trusting space to speak our minds free of judgement. This is also how I offer my coaching and so it has been a very symbiotic relationship. I admire the courage of those who have chosen to speak out and speak up because of this site.

Stay tuned for more stories about why support is so important to survivors of abuse and trauma...

Watch the live UStream broadcast of this blog-a-thon by clicking here.

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